Attendance & School Holidays

High levels of attendance and punctuality are crucial in securing the best possible progress for your child. National average attendance in the UK is 96% (this equates to 8 days absence or less in a school year). Any child who falls below 90% attendance, at any point in the year, is identified as a ‘persistent absentee’.

You can read about all of our procedures for monitoring, improving and celebrating attendance in our policy here:

WRPS Attendance Policy 24-25

Traveller absence

The ‘T’ code for authorised traveller absence will only be issued when the absence is proven to be for economic purposes only. i.e. for a parent’s business/work. Traveller families must follow correct procedures of informing school of any absence and return dates. Pupils travelling must register with another school in their new area and become ‘dual registered’ to ensure their attendance and academic progress is not adversely affected.

Planned training days for staff- school closures

Here is a list of our planned training days for 2024-25

  • September 3rd 2024
  • December 20th 2024
  • May 16th 2025

Please visit the Durham County Council website to view or download the school holidays dates for this academic year and next year for all community schools, special schools and voluntary controlled schools. Please note that voluntary aided (church) schools, foundation schools and academies may have set different dates and you should check with the school or academy to confirm their arrangements or view the PDF for schools not following the standard term and holiday dates.

School Holidays During Term Time

The Government has amended regulations for taking holidays in term time and these new regulations come into effect from September 2013.

Head teachers have the discretion to grant leave, but they should only do so in exceptional circumstances. If a head teacher grants a leave request, it will be for them to determine the length of time that the child can be away from school. This leave is unlikely, however, to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday.

Parents can incur a fixed penalty notice for removing children from school during term-time for unauthorised reasons.

Any applications for leave during term time must be submitted in writing.

Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this with the Headteacher.

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