Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and in 2012–13 individual schools were allocated funding for children from low-income families who were eligible for free school meals, looked after children, post looked-after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces.
In our school, pupil premium funding is used to overcome key barriers to learning created by deprivation such as:
- gaps in core skills of reading, writing and maths, caused, in part by disrupted learning in 2020-2022
- a requirement for social and emotional support to build confidence, skills and drive to aspire higher and attain greater depth standards
- absence rates and learning gaps of some groups of pupils require support
Our pupil premium strategy is reviewed termly by the curriculum committee of the governing body and senior staff. The date of our next strategy review is November 2023.
WRPS Pupil Premium strategy statement 2022-23
WRPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22
WRPS Pupil Premium strategy statement 2020-21
WRPS Pupil Premium strategy statement 2019-20
You can view or download our Pupil Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school. View further information about Pupil Premium.
Catch-up/Recovery Premium
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK government has provided a catch-up premium fund to schools to assist in supporting children with the learning that they may have missed. For the year, 2020-21, our school was allocated £10,160. You can read about our intended use of this fund and the impact it has here:
WRPS Catch up Premium Statement 20-21
In 2021-22 academic year, this became the recovery premium and is monitored within the overarching pupil premium strategy statement. In 2022-23, the school will receive £9,715 in recovery premium funding.
In addition to this, schools could choose to make use of an additional fund for school-led tutoring from September 2021. We began using this additional funding for the current academic year (£11,340 including a 40% school contribution) in September 2022, and intend to continue to use the new allocation in 22-23 academic year. The impact of this funding is monitored by senior leaders and the governing body.
Physical Education & Sports Premium
The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum for academic years until 2020 to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.
The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
You can view or download our Physical Education & Sports Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school.
Physical Education & Sport Premium 2022-23
Physical Education & Sport Premium 2021-22
Physical Education & Sport Premium 2020-21