School Performance


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their finding on their website. We were last inspected in February 2023 and received a rating of GOOD.  Inspection of Ofsted-rated GOOD schools usually takes place every four years.

View West Rainton Primary School’s latest Ofsted report.

Department for Education

Many Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools.

The Department for Education (DfE) Performance Tables provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress, absence, workforce and finance. The Performance Tables include percentages of achievement at expected standards or above in reading, writing and maths and the measure of progress in each subject. You can find the School Performance Tables from the DfE by clicking the link below.

View West Rainton Primary School’s performance tables.

Childcare Provision

West Rainton Primary School offer childcare provision and wraparound care.  Full details of the provision provided can be found on our Childcare Provision section of our website.

Pupil and Parent Surveys

We routinely take short snapshot views of pupils and parents through online survey forms and for a range of reasons. Our most recent exit surveys for pupils and parents leaving us in Y6 of 2022 were overwhelmingly positive about safeguarding, behaviour, personal development and curriculum provision.

The SATs in 2023 saw a return to ‘normal’ assessments for both KS1 and KS2 pupils. You can view our results here:

Key Stage 1 SAT Results 2023

Key Stage 2 SAT Results 2023

Pupils performed very well in 2022 assessments, despite the disruption to education over the previous two years.

In Year 1 phonics screening check 13/18 children (72%) reached the required pass mark

In Year 2 phonics screening check resits 3/5 children (60%) reached the required pass mark

In Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) 8/20 (40%) achieved full marks, 15/20 (75%) achieved a score of 20+ out of 25.

Key Stage 2 SAT Results 2022

Swimming Data 2023

At West Rainton Primary School we take school swimming seriously. We introduced the ASA school swimming awards in 2015-16 as a way of tracking and accelerating progress in swimming, leading to 90% of Y6 pupils leaving at the required standard (an increase of 34% since introducing the scheme) in 2019.

Swimming progress was halted in 2020, as from spring term 2020 until the spring of 2021 no classes were able to attend the pool due to covid restrictions. We used some of our PE and Sports Premium funding to provide top-up swimming lessons to our oldest pupils in 2022-23. Pupils in our current years 5 and 6, are now almost caught up because of this top up provision. We aim to continue this for younger pupils in summer 2024.

Please click the link below to see our current swimming data:

West Rainton Primary School swimming attainment website report Sept 23

Celebrate Our Achievements and Awards

At West Rainton Primary School, we are proud of our achievements and awards. We currently hold Activemark, Artsmark Platinum, Heritage Schools Award, Basic Skills Quality Mark and the AfPE award for sport.

In November 2020, we successfully retained and enhanced our Inclusion Quality Mark Award by becoming a ‘Centre of Excellence’. We were delighted to still demonstrate our strong core ethos of the highest value on every individual pupil during the challenge of the pandemic. You can read the report from our assessors here:

West Rainton Primary School IQM Review report – Oct 2022

We were also an integral part of West Rainton and Leamside becoming Dementia Friendly Community of the Year for 2019 in a national awards ceremony organised by Alzheimers UK.

We are currently working on:

renewing our Artsmark Award

Check School Performance Tables

You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:

  • exam and test results
  • financial information
  • Ofsted reports

You can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.

Start your search here