How we will reopen our school safely

Dear Parent/Pupil,

These pages on our website are designed to let you know how we will be organising our school, and learning offer, during the coronavirus pandemic.

It is a swiftly-changing picture in terms of schools but we will keep you up to date via this page, our class dojo posts and texting system.

As it stands, we are currently in another full lockdown and school has been closed to most pupils since January 5th. We have children deemed vulnerable and those of key workers in school and our nursery setting is fully open. All of our teachers are working from their own classrooms allowing all learners at home to access ‘the classroom’ via Teams. We expect all children to ‘attend’ every day and continue to keep records of attendance. This way, our pupils will have the very best chance of catching up quickly once we fully reopen.

Please see below documents related to our current provision including our risk assessment and our contingency plan. Both of these documents are regularly reviewed by senior leaders and governors as the situation unfolds.

Assuring you of our full support,

Mrs Alison McDonough

Risk Assessment spring 22 COVID 19 complete

WRPS remote learning offer

WRPS contingency planning JAN 22