
As holders of Inclusion Quality Mark- Centre of Excellence status, our passionate championing of equality and equity is central to our provision and ethos. We strive to ensure all children have equal access to the same opportunities across all aspects of our provision.

Public bodies, including local-authority-maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010.

As part of our duties we publish:

  • an Equalities Information profile of our school based upon the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010  – this is updated and published every year
  • our school’s Equality Action Plan (Objectives) – these are reviewed annually and updated at least once every 4 years
  • for further information please view or download our Single Equalities Policy and Equality Action Plan  here:
  • Equality policy WRPS 2021
  • WRPS Equality Information and Objectives_Feb21
  • Accessibility-Plan-2021