In Nursery we will be very busy, making new friends and learning new things. We are pleased to see all the children happy and excited to come to Nursery each day. We have been exploring outside, taking part in our outdoor forest classroom sessions which help us develop our resilience and independence skills .
We have started to join in group time, our topic is ‘All About Me’ and learning about ourselves, we have loved sharing our books we made at home with our families. Monty has joined us this year as our travelling elephant, he goes home with one of our friends each weekend and we find out what they have been doing, he also has a special book to share with our friends.
We have started taking part in group time learning number rhymes, singing our favourite songs, joining in with the actions and using our fingers to count. We also love sharing stories and look at books every day, our favourite time is sharing a story before home time. We have also being taking part in phonics games, listening for environmental sounds and passing the beat.
Look what we will be learning about in Autumn Term provision map – all about me provision map – autumn text analysis – All about me text analysis – Autumn