You can see our Y6 curriculum map autumn term 2024 by clicking this link
In Year 6, we’ve got an exciting autumn term ahead, packed with fun topics and exciting opportunities to experience new things.
We have some really great units of work to do this term. We will be reading ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio as our first text, we’ll be doing tag rugby in PE and getting creative with printing techniques in art, to list just a few.
Our happiness and confidence will be key to our success in the classroom this year so there will be many opportunities for children to have fun, be creative, run off energy and learn about their own mental wellbeing.
In our school, a broad and balanced curriculum is vitally important to us; year 6 is no exception.
Our autumn term curriculum map above sets out all that we will cover in class. As if that weren’t enough, our extra and ‘hidden’ curricula are sure to keep you even busier!