Spring term is here!
We’re starting with a new class text, ‘The Somerset Tsunami’ by Emma Carroll. This is a great historical text, with a fesity female lead character who has to disguise herself as a boy to find work in the 17th century. When suspicions are raised about who Fortune really is, there could be danger lurking as King James’ witch hunters are on the prowl in the area.
We will be looking at impressions of water in art, dance in PE and rivers and mountains in geography. We’re excited to be going on a river studies field trip as part of this.
You can read about this, and all of our other spring term curriculum here:
Spring term update: We’ve had a great spring term and achieved so much in our work. We had a fantastic rivers trip in geography where we spent the day studying the health and features of a tributary to the Wear. We’ve also had great fun coding microbits in computing as well as mastering a fantastic routine for our intra-school dance festival.