This term we will be reading the text ‘‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’. We will explore the different characters, the advice that they give the main character and how this helps him. Using inspiration from the text we will be writing a range of genres. We will also be practising our phonic knowledge through Read Write inc lessons or booster sessions.
In maths, we will be developing our understanding of numbers to 100, consolidating our knowledge of number bonds to 10 and using these facts to help us calculate numbers to 20 and 100.
In history, children will be exploring how our village of West Rainton has changed over the years. We look forward to hearing from two special visitors as they share their experience of life in the village.
In art, we are learning about the work of Monet and Van Gogh and have used their work to inspire our own.
View our curriculum map to find out further information about our learning: