Year 1 Autumn term

Wow what an amazing start! It has been great getting to know you all, as we are beginning our year 1 journey together. We have quickly established our new routines and you have been producing some fabulous work.

You have already made a good start in your sound work and you have already begun learning some new sounds in RWI.

This term we will be looking at the Gunpowder plot in history finding out all about who Guy Fawkes is and why we celebrate bonfire night.

In science you will be looking at materials, learning about what objects are made from and testing why objects are made from different materials.

In Re, you will be visiting the local church and looking at some of the special objects inside.

In art, you will be looking at colour. What the three primary colours are and how to make secondary colours by colour mixing. You will look at some work of famous artists who liked to use the colours in their work. We will move on to look at portraits and how some famous artists made their portrait work a little bit different, like Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol


View our curriculum map below to find out further information about our learning.

Y1 autumn curriculum map