In the Spring term, we will be finding out about the season of winter, in particular how it differs from other seasons. We will also be learning about animals that migrate or hibernate.
In addition, we will be learning all about Africa! We will be looking at the differences and similarities between a rural African village and West Rainton, listening to African stories and learning traditional African songs/dances. We will also be designing Kente cloth patterns, making animal masks and Maasai necklaces.
We will be continuing with the Read, Write Inc phonics programme. We will be learning to blend sounds to read green words. We will also be working hard on identifying numbers out of order, counting to 20 and ordering numbers to 20.
Later in the term, we will be learning about plants and what they need to grow. Throughout this topic, we will read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and will even make our own enormous beanstalks!
View our Reception curriculum map Spring 2023 Rec curriculum map Spring 2023 to find out further information about our learning.