Nursery summer term

We have had a brilliant start to the Summer term and are really pleased with how well the children have settled and are so enthusiastic. The children are enjoying learning through play and are having lots of fun with their teachers and friends.  Learning is planned through exciting topics.

The children come into school every morning eager to learn and are very busy with lots of different activities. Every day we play games, read stories and sing songs. We have started learning phonics through Read Write Inc and are very excited to learn new letter sounds and how to form them.

Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom and we are very lucky to have a lovely outdoor area where we love to  explore, climb and build. Also in the summer term, we begin by learning all about mini beasts, plants and new life. We will be looking carefully at nature all around us such as plants and insects.  We will be finding out the names of different insects and we will read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will also be planting a selection of fruit and vegetables and look after them by giving them plenty of water. Garden Treasures Topic Map

Next term we will bee looking at the topics of Garden Treasures, People who help us and we will be learning about food. We have been talking and learning about where food comes from, healthy and unhealthy foods and we will be cooking and tasting different foods.